Video Resources

Leading Leaders

Leading other leaders for the first time brings some challenges. You are no longer focused on the actions of individual contributors, but have accomplish your mission by, with, and through other leaders. Developing those leaders is one of the most important things you can focus on. When they share your values and support your vision, your abilities are multiplied.

Handle Hard Better

I recently watched a great, short video by Kara Lawson that inspired me to add “Handle Hard Better” to my list of great, simple advice phrases. Leaders should be constantly challenging themselves and their people to get better at what they do. Do this by raising the bar and then helping your folks clear it. #leadership #leadershipcoaching #leaderdevelopment

A Poor Sailor Blames the Wind

A poor sailor blames the wind for getting lost. A great sailor accounts for the conditions and is successful in spite of the wind. What conditions are you blaming when things don’t go your way?

Keep an open mind about Gen Z

If you’re a senior leader and are having trouble getting your latest generation of employees to comply with “the way we’ve always done things here,” you aren’t alone. But you might also be part of the problem. Cultures evolve all the time, and leaders have the difficult task of fostering their company culture while allowing it to grow. This doesn’t mean you need to compromise your values, it means you need to understand how your employees interpret and internalize those values. Then you have a choice of helping them see things your way, or adjusting your perspective to see things their way, or a little of both. Forcing people to see things your way without considering their perspective will help them decide whether or not they want to work there.

Reduce turnover rates

Whenever I hear someone is leaving their job I ask them why they are leaving. Sometimes they say “more money” or “better opportunity” but when I dig into it a little bit I often get to “I wasn’t really appreciated” or “my boss was a jerk” or “there just wasn’t any growth opportunity or mentoring for me.” This isn’t new. We’ve known for years that people typically leave because of their immediate supervisor. But if we’ve known this for so long, why aren’t we getting better at it? Why are so many leaders underperforming? Want help developing your leaders? Let’s chat. #leadershipcoaching #leaderdevelopment #leadership

Grow Your Own Leaders

The struggle to find, hire, and keep talented leaders is tough for most businesses. Maybe your leadership talent pipeline is right under your nose. Investing in your employees’ development helps you grow your own leaders. #leadership #leadershipcoaching