Video Resources

Be ok with being uncomfortable

Leaders often find themselves in uncomfortable situations. But if you’re not being injured or choked out, you can keep rolling. Find a way to stay in the fight.

Learning to Swim

Learning to lead is kind of like learning to swim. If you jump in the deep end too soon you splash around a lot, and that can be tough on the people you lead. Preparing for leadership roles before you are in them builds confidence and skill that will pay dividends.

Grow Your Own Leaders

The struggle to find, hire, and keep talented leaders is tough for most businesses. Maybe your leadership talent pipeline is right under your nose. Investing in your employees’ development helps you grow your own leaders.

Stamp Out Stupid

Get rid of the policies holding your employees back.

Why are So Many Leaders So Busy?

Developing your junior leaders will free you up to think strategically.

Synapse Florida Veteran Outreach Leader

Synapse Florida and Bob Dixon on Tampa News 9.