Video Resources

Don't get distracted by bike racks

Leaders often get drawn into issues that can be solved at lower levels. We do this for a variety of reasons, but a big one is that the lower level issues are easier to deal with than the ones we should be focusing on.

A tip to help you connect better with your troops

Great leaders are great listeners. But when you wall yourself off in corner offices, boardrooms, and reserved tables for meals you only get to listen to the people who somehow get into those rooms. If you really want to know what’s happening in your company, the reports and charts you see in meetings only tell part of the story. As simple as it sounds, having lunch with the troops will bring a wealth of information to you as a leader, and will give you another opportunity to share your vision with the team.

Your Strategic Direction needs to be specific enough for people to execute

When you give broad, general guidance to your company you can get them moving in the same general direction. But if you want them to execute in concert, you need to be specific about what you want them to do.

Values Check

Values shape your company’s culture. There are typically two kinds of values in any company: your espoused values (the ones on your website) and the real ones that you live every day. It’s awesome when those two align. It’s not awesome when they don’t.

Don't just accept the default

Just as many people accept the default browsers on their computers, many of us accept defaults in our businesses and our lives. I first read about this concept in Adam Grant’s 2016 book “Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World” and six years later it bears repeating.

Leader 101 - Accountability

Many leaders struggle with creating a culture of accountability. They have to get over that. Accountability is a key leadership responsibility and is essential for success.